Old technology making you sluggish? Maybe Body 2.0 needs a software update.

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Ever have that piece of technology that used to run smoothly, but now it has slowed down to a crawl?   When the hardware doesn’t keep up with the software, problems start to develop…those bugs in the system start to affect the performance until finally, it just gives up and crashes. The same is true of your body as […]

Why everyone with a backbone (or who knows someone who does) needs to see this post…

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Did you realize that 90% of our bone building occurs before age 20 and the remainder occurs before we turn age 30. However, most people don’t start thinking about it until it’s too late. 1:2 women and 1:4 men over the age of 50 will experience a fracture related to osteoporosis (low bone density) in […]

4 Moves to “Reset” Your Core

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It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is touting the benefits of working out your “core.” “Gotta bad back? Work on that core.” “Want to hit that golf ball further? Strengthen that core.” Here’s the thing…a lot of people THINK that they’re working on their core, but they’re really muscling through exercises and just going […]

“I don’t always roll a joint…but when I do, it’s my ankle.”

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You’re walking along, minding your business and BAM! Suddenly, you find yourself on the ground after rolling your ankle. You had some initial swelling, but now, it’s about a month later…feeling a bit better, but there’s some nagging tenderness and swelling at the end of a long day. What do you do? You’ve heard taping might […]

How good physical therapists approach helping their patients (Infographic)

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If you ever find yourself in a situation where an injury or pain is keeping you from doing the activities you love, sometimes, you’ve just got to take action and see a professional. Remember that movement is medicine and when it’s prescribed with the right type and dosage, it can be empowering as we all possess […]