You’ll never guess what this is used for…

Posted on Posted in General Fitness Tips, Golf Fitness, Oov


I know what you’re thinking…

And no…you haven’t suddenly stumbled onto an adult website.

So…what does this thing have to do with health & fitness?

What if I were to tell you that this prop, despite its rather “organic” look is one of the most valuable tools that I have started using with my patients/clients.

What if I were to say that your frustration with trying to verbally cue rotational stability within the spine and pelvis has suddenly gotten a whole lot easier.

So, without further ado…I introduce you to…The Oov.

So, how does the Oov help you move? (Rhyme totally intended.)

Watch my interview the inventor, Daniel Vladeta, an osteopath and neuroscientist from Australia to explain the benefits of this device, how he came up with the idea, and how this could be the new secret weapon for golfers.

What are the benefits of the Oov?

INSTANT feedback.  Talk about not being able to ever cheat through an exercise again (great for home exercise programs or mat classes where people think they’re doing the movement correctly).

Non-fatiguing challenge to the deep rotational stabilizers (you know…part of that thing we call the core.)

Fun!  The Oov brings life into those basic Pilates mat exercises.

Practical.  When you’re trying to cue movement from the left side of the brain…sometimes it just doesn’t listen.  However, when you’re forced to FEEL the imbalance, you know that something needs to change.

Incidentally, if you’re at all interested in more formal training on the Oov, stay tuned as there will be a combination of 3 hour workshops along with full weekend workshops to come.

If you’re interested in purchasing an Oov, they can be found here:

5 thoughts on “You’ll never guess what this is used for…

  1. Wow, this looks so cool and I’ll bet it feels amazing. Would love to try this out. I watched a bit of the video and it wasn’t at all how I imagined it being positioned:) Glad you’re having so much luck with it and thanks for sharing!

    1. Emma, Click here to go to Balanced Body’s link and then go to accessories. When you order them, they are in 3 different sizes so you might want to get a set of 3 for your studio (Small, med, large). Most of my clients are either small or medium with a few taller ones so I have mostly smalls and mediums with a couple of larges in there.

    1. Marcia, You can purchase them here: They do come in 3 sizes and retail for $179 USD each, but it is a bit cheaper when you purchase the “3 pack” which includes a small, medium, and large sized one. Polestar Pilates is handling the training. Daniel Vladeta is teaching the level one courses right now in the USA…not sure if Carl Moss in London at Moss Pilates will be hosting/teaching there in the UK. may help.

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